dry mouth

Why Regular Visits to Milford Dental Excellence are Important

Did you have a dental visit with us in the last 6 months? Routine examinations by one of our dentists are necessary to ensure healthy gums and teeth. Waiting until you feel pain or discomfort often makes a minor dental issue turn into a major one. Most of us are aware of the benefits of dental check-ups. Aside from maintaining [...]

2021-02-25T14:57:03+00:00September 14th, 2018|Categories: Dental Prevention|Tags: , , , |

When It’s Necessary to Visit the Dentist

Dental cleanings and exams are important for keeping a healthy mouth, but these are not the only reason you should see the dentist. There are many other times where a dental visit may be necessary, below are some other common reasons for a dental appointment. Issues with your gums Gums that are bleeding, inflamed or bright red should be looked [...]

Why Do People Seem to Get More Cavities As They Get Old?

Saliva acts as a buffer that maintains the acid/base balance in your mouth. Saliva is produced by salivary glands, located in our cheeks and under the tongues. Two types of saliva are produced by these glands, serous saliva, and mucous saliva. Serous saliva is the “wet and watery” kind of saliva, and mucous saliva is “sticky and thick.” Mucous glands [...]

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1188 OH-131, Milford, OH 45150

Phone: 513-831-1446


Mon-Thurs: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday Hours Vary

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