
Options in Cosmetic Dentistry – Part 1

If you're like many people, a lifetime of excess sugar and caffeine has altered the shade of your teeth. Thankfully, these kinds of issues can be resolved with cosmetic dentistry. A healthy and beautiful smile can give us self-confidence and improve our self-esteem, which is why dental practitioners perform cosmetic procedures. Doctors Egbert, Reineck, Powers, and Naylor have the experience [...]

2020-07-29T17:08:43+00:00May 1st, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Childhood Orthodontics That Parents Should Talk To Their Dentist About

Almost everyone has worn braces. A lot of us used them or knew kids who did all throughout our adolescent years. Roughly 4 million Americans are wearing braces currently, and they are the top used type of childhood orthodontics. We have put together a quick list of a few childhood orthodontic appliances that some patients might not recognize. The Nance [...]

2020-01-23T21:06:07+00:00April 11th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Messages for Linnie

Please join us in sending best wishes to Linnie who will be retiring May 2019. Linnie has been a valued team member of MDE for 21 years. Her love for our patients, passion for her work, and attention to detail were an integral part of our amazing team. She plans to fully enjoy retirement by traveling often to [...]

2020-12-28T13:25:10+00:00April 10th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Can Genetics Influence Our Oral Health?

Since birth, there are always friends and family commenting on just how much we resemble mom or dad. "You've got your mom's eyes,” or "You have your father's chin,” are variations of remarks that most of us hear all throughout our life. We know that plenty of our physical characteristics and our personalities are related to genealogical sources, but have [...]

Do I Need To Schedule With My Dentist When I’m Pregnant?

Maintaining our dental care is a necessary practice during each point of our life, even infancy. However, patients who are pregnant face special challenges and risks at the time of the duration that the baby is developing. Features like morning sickness, intensified bodily hormones, along with a variation in nutrition can easily trigger numerous reactions in the whole body. Though, [...]

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1188 OH-131, Milford, OH 45150

Phone: 513-831-1446


Mon-Thurs: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday Hours Vary

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