
Why Do People Seem to Get More Cavities As They Get Old?

Saliva acts as a buffer that maintains the acid/base balance in your mouth. Saliva is produced by salivary glands, located in our cheeks and under the tongues. Two types of saliva are produced by these glands, serous saliva, and mucous saliva. Serous saliva is the “wet and watery” kind of saliva, and mucous saliva is “sticky and thick.” Mucous glands [...]

Oral Health | Your Dietary Choices – Part One

In our first two blog posts, our team discussed several foods and beverages that will help to keep your mouth healthy and your teeth strong. In addition to knowing which foods and beverages will improve your oral health, it is also important to know which foods and beverages will damage your teeth. Sadly, some of these foods may be your [...]

2021-03-25T19:20:33+00:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: Dental Prevention|Tags: , , , |

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