Dental Prevention

At Milford Dental Excellence, we are all about a holistic view on dentistry, focusing on preventing issues and providing comprehensive care.

Do I Have a Cavity? How Can I Tell?

Did you know? Of adults, 92% have had tooth decay. Tooth decay is the most common disease worldwide, mostly because of the sugar consumption of most people. Is tooth decay typically painful? At what point should you schedule an appointment with the dentist? Continue reading to learn how to tell if you have a potential cavity, and what to do [...]

2021-04-29T18:02:20+00:00January 30th, 2020|Categories: Dental Prevention|Tags: , , |

Is Gingivitis Connected to Being Overweight?

A scientific study carried out at New York Medical College believes to have found a correlation between gum disease and obesity. As explained by NYMC professor of medicine and pharmacology Nader G. Abraham, PhD, DrHC, DrHC, this is the first time that confirmation was discovered that the bacteria in our mouths can affect our fat cells. Researchers have found that [...]

2018-10-30T20:56:03+00:00October 30th, 2018|Categories: Dental Prevention, Periodontics|Tags: , |

Why Your Dentist Tells You To Floss More

Being told you need to floss more can seem like a hassle. The act of flossing itself can seem like a chore. However, your dentist is just trying to look out for you because not flossing more could do you a lot more harm than you think. When you go to brush your teeth it is a good idea to [...]

2018-10-18T16:07:04+00:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: Dental Prevention|Tags: , , , |

Why Regular Visits to Milford Dental Excellence are Important

Did you have a dental visit with us in the last 6 months? Routine examinations by one of our dentists are necessary to ensure healthy gums and teeth. Waiting until you feel pain or discomfort often makes a minor dental issue turn into a major one. Most of us are aware of the benefits of dental check-ups. Aside from maintaining [...]

2021-02-25T14:57:03+00:00September 14th, 2018|Categories: Dental Prevention|Tags: , , , |

Summer Dental Health Pt. 2

If your child has not been to the dentist and is due for a cleaning, now be a great time to schedule an appointment. Having a dental exam and cleaning shortly before school starts is a great way to head back to school with a clean smile. If there are any issues, fixing them before your child goes back to [...]

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1188 OH-131, Milford, OH 45150

Phone: 513-831-1446


Mon-Thurs: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday Hours Vary

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