Recently, there has been a rise in the popularity of electric toothbrushes. With all the hype, are these brushes really better than a manual brush?

Dental professionals concur that a regular toothbrush can supply the same cleanliness that an electric toothbrush can; nevertheless, the ease of the electric brush is the real divider in this argument. When using a traditional brush, attentiveness is essential. Brushing your teeth for 2 minutes, twice every day is essential in order to keep your smile healthy, though this can seem like a drag when brushing manually.

The ability to do the majority of the work for its owner is what separates electric toothbrushes from traditional ones. With a variety of different modes—such as deep cleaning, sensitivity, and whitening—powered toothbrushes make a thorough cleaning easy. Some electric toothbrushes even come with the ability to track the length of time the individual is spending brushing one area and informs the user to move to a different area through light vibrations. Electronic brushes are also perfect for those with dexterity difficulties.

When all is said and done, selecting between a traditional or a powered brush depends on the user. There isn’t any solid proof that one type of brush is superior to the other; it comes down to lifestyle and personal preference. Traditional toothbrushes are inexpensive, portable, and don’t need a charger or batteries. They do, however, require a little more work.

So…powered or regular: which do you like better?

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