Dental Prevention

At Milford Dental Excellence, we are all about a holistic view on dentistry, focusing on preventing issues and providing comprehensive care.

Do I Have Cavity? How Can I Tell?

Did you know? Of adults, 92% have had tooth decay. Tooth decay is the most common disease worldwide, mostly because…

5 years ago

Is Gingivitis Connected to Being Overweight?

A scientific study carried out at New York Medical College believes to have found a correlation between gum disease and…

6 years ago

Why Your Dentist Tells You To Floss More

Being told you need to floss more can seem like a hassle. The act of flossing itself can seem like…

6 years ago

Why Regular Visits to Milford Dental Excellence are Important

Did you have a dental visit with us in the last 6 months? Routine examinations by one of our dentists…

6 years ago

Summer Dental Health Pt. 2

If your child has not been to the dentist and is due for a cleaning, now be a great time…

7 years ago